by Dennis
Have a question? I am wanting to dry can some beans and is it possible to buy a bag of beans and place them in a freezer for 2 or 3 weeks. Remove and after thawing out, I would rinse with water. Then place on cookie sheet to dry. Then, I would fill up mason jars and place 1 or 2 oxygen absorbers to seal. By the way I am new to canning and just read this article. Looking for simple means to solve the bug problem and still can my beans. Thank You for the informative article.
Admin - Joan:
Yes, that will work just fine. I have done this with my beans but I don't bother to rinse with water after they thaw. If you do rinse them or just used thawed beans, it's key to make sure the beans are very dry. If in doubt, put a desiccant packet into the jars to absorb moisture along with the oxygen absorbers.